Friday, June 8, 2012

Plans -Call to Prayer

Proverbs 16:9  The heart of man plans his way, but the LORD establishes his steps.

When we were led to pursue adoption we were immediately confronted with  many questions that needed to be answered. We needed to make some choices before we could take another step. We chose more from a necessity to make a choice than from deep conviction.

Open or Closed adoption? Closed! adoption sounds a little scary.
Domestic or International adoption? International.
What country? Ethiopia is the most straight forward for the price at this time.
Baby? boy ages 0-2. Seemed more practical with already having two boys and living in a two bedroom home.

But we have been given an opportunity that is quite different than the plans we made. We have been made aware of a local young lady who wants to give up her baby when he is born late this year. After much prayer, we have decided to put Ethiopia on hold and pursue this local adoption.

We will give more details in future posts, but we really want to call on all of you to pray for this young lady and child. We do want to bring this child into a loving home and change his life forever! But we also want to be a light to the birth mother. She desperately needs the hope of the gospel. We will be meeting her at the end of this month. Please pray for all of us in these exciting, life changing circumstance that the Lord has placed each of us in. Pray that the Lord will provide the finances for the adoption. The cost is less than an international adoption, but the time to come up with the money is much less.
Thank you!

Steve & Evie


  1. Working at Life Choices Center, we always mention adoption to pregnant clients, but rarely does anyone pursue that option. We understand that adoption is a very brave choice for an expectant mother to make, and I'm excited for your involvement in this young lady's life! Praying that you will be sensitive to the Lord's leading as you redirect your adoption focus.

  2. just catching up on your blog ~ wow how exciting! will pray for you in these next months!!!!

  3. We too will be pursuing the adoption road here in not too long! We are praying for you guys!

  4. just read this and wow! that's a change!! excited for you guys and will continue to pray!!
