Saturday, July 28, 2012

3rd Garage Sale

By Evie

The Lord sure has been strengthening and building our faith lately. Adoption costs a lot of money. And other than Steve working lots of over time, God has been blessing us through others. The picture above shows one of the ways that God has been proving funds to do what he has called us to.

This Garage sale took place one week ago. And through the hard work and donations from the members and friends of Grace Covenant Church  of Fox Valley (Steve's Parent's church in Chicago) they raised $1000 Dollars.We are so grateful and humbled by what they did. We did not ask them to  do a fundraiser for us, but they have a great heart for Adoption and took it upon themselves to do this for us. We were blessed by their love for us and pray the Lord's blessing on them.

Dear Brothers & Sisters of GCC,
THANK YOU TO EACH OF YOU who contributed in any way! Thank you so much! This is an incredible blessing! We are humbled, and blown away by your love through your support! We are in awe at the Lord's provision! Words do not adequately express our gratitude. But may the Lord be glorified through this. Thank you!

What's Happening?

by Evie

We have been asked how things are going and so we thought it would be good to blog and post to let you know what we're up to.

Steve and I are in the thick of Home study homework. We are working hard on it and plan to submit it soon.  Steve has been working overtime, so that has limited his time.

Well, with a baby coming home sometime between Thanksgiving and the 2nd or so of Dec, we decided that since we are homeschooling, we would start the year right away so that we can have more time to take off when Baby arrives. So, we started on Monday! This school year, we have one 1st Grader and one in Kindergarten!

This week, Steve and I both had physicals for our Adoption Paperwork. The boys have one in a couple of weeks. And this coming Fri, Steve and I have a fingerprint appointment! Things are moving along with the new Agency. And I have been talking with Birth-Mama weekly.

In short, this is what we've been up to! Trust you all have a good weekend.

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

It's True

by Evie

You know when you're driving down the road and a church has a goofy quote on their sign? Sometimes they're true, most often they're out of context or completely wrong theologically.
Anyhow, yesterday we were driving past one that was true and made me praise the Lord again in all He is doing! The sign said; "Where God Guides, He Provides"
Now, the reason why that sign led me to worship was because last week we were contemplating about how to pay the first installment to the new agency we are working with. We pulled all the money together that we could and we were still a bit short. As long as we don't get this payment in soon, the longer Mama J will go without the care that she needs.
Well, Just the day before, God supplied this need!! I am in Awe!
May we bless the Lord in good and hard days of our lives.
To God be the Glory!

Thursday, July 12, 2012

God's Providence and when I said, "Yes"

By Evie

And I am sure of this, that he who began a good work in you will bring it to completion at the day of Jesus Christ. Philippians 1:6

We attended the wedding of a special friend on Saturday and we got to meet (in flesh and blood) a family who has been in my thoughts and prayers for a long time...

So, I thought it was time I share a little about how I came to say, "Yes" to this call that God has placed on our lives. About two 1/2 years ago during prayer meeting a gal (who has become a good friend the past two years and who got married on Sat.) asked for prayer for her Pastor and his wife back home in OH as they were adopting from Rwanda and were anxiously awaiting the referral for their two youngest children. So we prayed that night for them. And we continued to pray and praised the Lord when they got the referral.

Then, something happened. You see, I never foresaw myself or us adopting. Adoption was not an option or even a desire. Even when we miscarried, we decided if we never had biological children, we wouldn't have children at all. God in his graciousness, did indeed allow us to bare children. Two precious boys! And then we thought we were done! We were perfectly content and happy with the sons that the Lord entrusted to our care. And we were in a new season of life and a new and sweeter season in our marriage. As the Ladies prayed for the Woodmans and their adoption on Wednesday nights, the Lord started to soften my heart towards adoption. No, I didn't have a desire to adopt, but the Lord was giving me a new heart and outlook on Adoption. It was deep. And then the Father of the Fatherless would bring the Woodmans to my mind at random moments during night or day, even though we didn't pray for them every Wednesday night during women's prayer time. As they came to mind, I would pray for them. Then, while they were in Rwanda picking up their two precious Kiddos, I got curious as to how they were doing and I stalked them on facebook. It was January 2010. Then, the Lord brought this thought to my mind, "If God called me to adopt, would I obey?" To me, it would be a matter of obedience, because I am very selfish! And I didn't even have a desire to adopt or have any more children. But I knew that question in my mind was prompted by the Holy Spirit. And I had to answer Him. I talked with Him and wrestled. But I knew deep down in my heart, that I needed to say yes. I surrendered and I said, "yes." The emotions and thoughts going through me were crazy. And I knew I would need to tell Steve. He was on his way home from a Ski Retreat with the youth group...

As is a habit of mine before I get up from the computer, I checked email. And I received one from my very good friend Steph. You know what she wrote me about? She told me that I would think that she was crazy, but they had decided to adopt! And do you know what? Had it been a few weeks or months earlier, I would have. But God was preparing me all along (and Steve too). I thank the Lord for that! With the obedience, God has given me this passion and desire. I am really excited about adoption, adopting, and this journey we are on! To be honest, at times I have fears or wonder what what in the world we are doing. But when I am close to Jesus, I have peace and I know we are right where He wants us. I don't know what the future holds, but I certainly do know who holds the future!

So, back to Saturday. Humanly speaking, all this adoption stuff wouldn't be happening if our friend hadn't asked prayer for the Woodmans. And had the Woodmans not been at her wedding, we wouldn't have yet met them personally. I am so glad that my God is in Control of every detail of my life!

For now we see in a mirror dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part; then I shall know fully, even as I have been fully known. 1Corinthians 13:12

Prayer on Her Behalf

By Evie

               This is not my wall, neither are these my plaques. So, credit where credit is due -got them off pinterest:-)

Have you even encountered someone who's situation was so broken, helpless, and hopeless? The verse above has become quite important to me over the last 2 months. It is one that I think of often and pray to the Lord on Birth-Mama; J's behalf. I pray with everything that is within me that God Almighty will save her, not only from the life she lives, but to give her Life In Christ! Won't you pray this along with me? 

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

Adoption was always in God's plan for us.

by Steve

This is a short video by John Piper on why "Adoption Is Greater Than The Universe."
It is a very good summery of the vastness in the concept of adoption. So often we get bogged down in all the details of it. Sometimes we need to step back and see its vast expanse and let it take our breath away once again.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

Boost in Faith

by Steve

There are many temptations to worry and fret with this new direction in our adoption journey. The biggest temptation for me personally is the more intense financial situation. My mind seems to run on numbers and when I get worried it starts crunching the numbers over and over:
"How much do we need? How much do we have? How long do we have to come up with it? Break that down per month - per paycheck. How much overtime do I need to work? Wow! This is impossible!! because if I make x... and we need y and we only have z amount of time... Let me run those numbers again." if doing the same equations multiple times will make the problem smaller.

Today, the Lord reminded me of His resources and how He loves to work. Tonight when we walked into church a special little girl ran up to us saying, "This is for you!" She handed us an envelope marked "Money four your ADOPTION." Inside was some bills and coins -$5.92! Her parents later told us that it was her idea and completely voluntary.

God is sovereign over all things! All the earth is at His call. Today, He moved a little girl to give all her spending money and remind us to trust in Him.