Tuesday, May 29, 2012

Yard Sale INFO

by Evie

Thank you Everyone, for your prayers! Please continue to pray and ask the Lord's blessings and for favorable weather this coming fri/sat.

We just posted our ad on craigslist! We praise the Lord for all He has provided for our Adoption Fundraising  Yard Sale. Now, we are trusting Him to bring people who will purchase the items that were generously donated. We would love for you to stop by or spread the word to your family and friends who like to yard sale. I'm wishing my Grammy A. could come! Back in her glory days as the Yard-Sale-Queen, she would have loved the one we are about to have!
Hope you can come!

1075 Elm Street Plymouth, IN 46563

Monday, May 28, 2012

Fundraising Yard Sale Prep.

by Evie

Wow! We have received so many donations! From about 15 families or individuals! We are no longer excepting donations. We are trying to finish up pricing things today and tomorrow. Then, we will need to take everything to where we will hold the sale. This looks like a busy week! We are looking forward to seeing what the Lord will do this week!

Wednesday, May 2, 2012

Home Study Orientation and Family Time

by Evie

A week ago today, we went to Indy for the Day! We left our home bright and early, armed with veggies and granola bars. I drove on the way there and Steve did homework. The boys came along! They did really well the whole time! But we were all very happy when we got home that night!

Our first stop was our Home Study Agency. The people there were so kind and friendly. The Social Worker who did orientation with us seemed very genuine and very passionate about what she does. It was a helpful meeting. She also interacted with the boys. She gave us a list of papers to chase down and went through the list with us so that we understand what needs to be done. The papers are very similar (or exactly the same) as the dossier papers. But overall, the Homestudy papers are not as strict in that they can often be photocopies and do not have to be notarized. Once we get all these documents, we will send them to our social worker. Then the next step after we get that done will be the home visits.

When we were done with our meeting, we headed to the Children's museum. I was hoping for relaxing family time. Talk about Exhausting! But it was so much fun! And we didn't even see or do all there was to experience! That place is way to big for only 4 or 5 hours. We feel like we should go back or at least make it to the Museum of Science and Industry someday. The boys' favorite exhibit was the Lego Exhibit (current/non-permanent exhibit). They also enjoyed the simulated airplane ride and the Dinosaurs. It was funny, the next day the boys were playing "museum."

Thur night, Steve finished his homework for the semester! What a relief! We are so grateful for his opportunity to go back to school, but we sure are glad for a break! Then we enjoyed the weekend with our company and Monday evening I took the boys out while Steve took his first Final. Then last night, he took his last Final! *sigh* (a happy one:-)

We're still taking donations for the yard sale. Anyone have any big items, like furniture that you'd like to contribute? If you're local, we would be willing to pick it up.