Saturday, June 30, 2012

Answered Prayer

by Steve

The first meeting with the birth mom (I'll call her J) went well overall. It was you would expect with complete strangers meeting over such a intimate subject -a little awkward, but at the same time laid back. There was nothing earth shattering. Though we did talk about a couple things like "What are your expectations for this open adoption," mostly it was get-to-know-you stuff. Her favorite color is red, she likes mushrooms, and she has the same birthday as Scott.

J is a very sweet, but she has had a hard life. Right now she is in a hard living situation too. She really needs our prayers.

J did mention that she really wants to keep in touch with us as the child grows. This will be good.

As we get the adoption agency involved, the details will get ironed out. For now, today was a good first step on a journey that will last the rest of our lives. Thank you for your prayer support! We appreciate it!

1 comment:

  1. I prayed for you today . . . I'm so glad you posted!
